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School age math

Writer's picture: educationfromthehearteducationfromtheheart

It's already July, and summer has been quickly moving along. Before you know it, summer will be halfway over. If you are someone who is already thinking ahead, then you most likely want to focus on building new skills that your children will need for the new school year. If you are focused on teaching them some simple math concepts, then you're in luck. We have made a list of a couple of creative activities that help teach multiple math concepts, while still having fun.

1. Charting and graphing game with dice

Things you will need:

-Two dice



For this activity, children will graph a simple game of dice.

  • Start by having them pick a number. If you are playing with only one dice, let the numbers range from 1-6. If you are playing with two, have the number be between 1-12.

  • After they have selected their number, they will draw a die chart. Have them draw a T-chart, and label one side as "number", and the other side as the amount of times they rolled.

  • If you are using one dice, the "number" side will have six rows, if you have two, there should be twelves rows.

  • When the kids start, they will keep a tally of how many rolls it took to get to the number they choose. They will do this for however many turns (1-6 or 1-12) they have. (For shorter games, you can just do 1-6).

  • After their game is done, decide what type of graph you want to make, to help them graph what they got.

  • We made a bar graph. If they are also making a bar graph, have them label the x and y axis, corresponding with their number of turns, and the amount of times it took to get to their chosen number. They can also color code their graph as well.

2. card games

For this game, children can take turns learning addition and subtraction using a regular box of playing cards. If you have older children, they can use this activity to practice their multiplication. All they will need to do is pick two cards, and either add or subtract them from one another.

3. division pizza

This is a great visual craft that helps children with division, by cutting paper into parts to create a "pizza".

Things you will need:

Multi colored construction paper



-paper plate

Start by having the children place multiple sheets of paper (at least 4) against each other in a stack. Make sure each piece is a different color. Next, on the top piece of paper, trace an outline of their paper plate. Cut the stack along the outline that they drew, holding each piece of paper still in place. They will now have at least 4 different colored circles. Choose one of the circles and label it as "1 whole". This will be their base. Next, have them fold another circle in half. cut this circle in half and label each halves as "1/2". Continue doing this with each circle cutting them into quarters, until each circle has been divided. As the children fold, you can ask them to count how many times they need need to fold the pieces to correspond with division. When the children are finished, have them stack each piece on top of each other. Start with the "one whole" piece, then "two halves", "four quarters", and so on. They can mix and match each piece to see how they come together. For older children, you can practice adding each piece as well.

4. Dice addition/subtraction

In this activity, children can practice their addition and subtraction using dice. You will need two dice, markers and paper. The children will roll one dice at a time and write down the number that they got. Next, add or subtract the numbers on paper. Finally, the kids can draw out a picture of each dice, and for the number they get after adding or subtracting, draw a picture but use a different colored marker to cross off how much during subtraction.



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